Sunday, July 8, 2007

Just about time to go

The time is approaching for me to leave to Japan. This was the main reason I made myself this blog. As you can see it has a Japanese theme now, thanks to one of my good friends for doing it for me. I'm not good at all with HTML or Photoshop like he is. I really like how it looks.

Anyway, once I get to Japan I'll probably post new pictures and movies I've taken of Japan on this blog about once a week. So please check back every few days to see "The Adventures of Jesse Kissee!" lol.

I'll post once again when I get into Japan.

Jesse F. Kissee


ジョッシュ said...

Have fun man! Be sure to update often, so we can live in Tokyo vicariously! がんばって!

Anonymous said...

Have a good time bro! We'll miss you.

Anonymous said...

Mom says... I love you and call home soon. You are heading for a wonderful adventure.