Monday, July 16, 2007

Pics of my neighborhood

Here are some pictures of a Shrine and a park that is really close to my house. The Shrine is literally almost a 2 minute walk. Enjoy, I'll be posting more soon.
Click here


Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse!
Are those thinking caps in the picture marked thinking? Grandma used to tell us that when we were kids!
The shrines are really ornamental there and the park looks inviting too. I am glad your area is so beautiful and surrouned by green.
You still can't beat the birds in Salem though! Love, mom

Anonymous said...

Jesse! Wow Your pictures look great.....everything looks super clean! Have you been looking for a job yet? What other tourist spots are you headed to?

Anonymous said...

Sorry that last comment was from me...Im just not quite use to this blog stuff yet! ha ha ha

Jesse K said...

If you hold your mouse over the titles, or you click on the image it will show the full description of the picture. I'm pretty sure they aren't thinking caps as they were at a cemetary. I think you fill them with water and spread it on the flowers or something. I'm really not sure. Anyway, take a closer look at the pictures by clicking on them. you'll see they aren't thinking caps. heh.

Anonymous said...

Whatever Jesse, you know they are thinking caps. If you would just put one of them on your head you'd know! J/K
Thanks for your help with my sound card (even though the speakers still don't work). I'll figure it out soon. Take care. heh.